Junior Secondary

middle school or junior high school is a school for students older than elementary school, but not yet in high school.All subjects are taught following the guidelines of the Nigerian Curriculum, and at the end of Year 9 students will all sit for Junior Secondary Certificate Examination (JSCE) Nigerian Curriculum, Tests in English, Mathematics and Coordinated Science are compulsory. This allows each individual student to measure themselves against students in Nigeria

Primary ( Elementary )

Throughout the primary years, the aim is to achieve effectiveness in the core skills of reading, oral and written communication and dexterity with numbers. These are of prime importance and without which further progress can be inhibited. Through topics, themes and projects the pupils are also introduced to the world around them and trained in the understanding of life in its many and varied aspects. Using internationally accepted best practice, children are taught to inquire, to use and apply skills learned.

Pre- Nuresry Class

          Pri- nuresry school is a lively, happy and stimulating environment which offers greater opportunities for the child to explore their surrounding and express them selves.
         Imaginative play is encouraged as this stimulates a health interest and curiosity in their world. sharing toys, taking turns and playing games together help the children to develop caring relationship with each other.
        Music-time, story- time and outdoor play form a large part of daily routine, with messy and creative play and a simple structured activities programmes which helps them develop basic concentration and listening skills.
      Pre- school also begin the process of preparing each child for school by providing a structured daily experiment of nursery life. Stimulating activites are planned to encorage understanding through logical reasoning and free tahought which further developes social, emotional, physical and intellectual skill within each child ability
